Semi-live events bring the magic online

The stage lit up: Semi-live events bring the magic online

12 May 2024

The world of music and theatre is all about that magical moment on stage. But not everyone can experience those special moments in person. . Live streaming is one solution, but there are technical and financial barriers. These obstacles disappear with delayed live events and Media Torrente, developed by Monboso, offers this innovative solution.

Record in high quality and broadcast later

With Media Torrente, artists and theatre companies can record their performances in high quality, such as 4K HDR video and Dolby Atmos audio, and later stream them as if they were live. This concept, also known as semi-live events, preserves the authenticity and spontaneity of live performances. At the same time, it allows more people to experience the event at a time that is convenient for them. In fact, the same semi-live event can be scheduled at different times for different time zones. This allows fans around the world to enjoy the concert or performance at a time that is convenient for them.

Monboso’s collaboration with key CDN partners plays a crucial role in this. Thanks to a CDN combined with Media Torrente, scalable distribution of the live event is possible. This allows large numbers of fans to enjoy the performance undisturbed.

A semi-live event saves enormous costs

The great advantage of a semi-live event is that it can be broadcast in high quality at a much lower cost than a (real) live event. With Media Torrente, there is no need for expensive live encoders and reliable internet connections at the venue. This greatly reduces the financial barriers to streaming live events. This also gives smaller productions and emerging artists the chance to present their work online in a professional way.

Offer your semi-live event for free by leveraging commercials.

The advertising option is another important aspect of Media Torrente. It allows artists to offer their semi-live events to their audience for free, if they wish. The insertion of commercials offsets the cost of hosting the online event. If a more exclusive offering without commercials is preferred, artists can also choose to sell tickets for access to the online event. This gives artists and promoters the flexibility to choose a revenue model that best suits their event and audience.

Still a (real) live event? Supplement it with an online pre- and post-programme

For any live event, it is wise to include a pre and post programme. Think of interviews or behind-the-scenes footage to enrich the viewing experience. But with Media Torrente, this is not only possible with a scheduled semi-live  broadcast. What makes Media Torrente unique is the ability to combine static and live content. Artists can enrich a (real) live event by seamlessly integrating pre-recorded content into the live broadcast. For example, it is possible to present a pre-show of pre-recorded performances, followed by the live main event. After the live part, the platform will seamlessly switch back to pre-recorded content.

Control your own content

Many artists stream their live event to external platforms such as YouTube or Vimeo. This is convenient, but these platforms can distract attention and take a significant portion of advertising revenue. With Media Torrente, artists retain control of their content and revenue.

Media Torrente opens up new possibilities in the world of online entertainment. Whether it is a major concert, an intimate play or an exclusive performance, this platform offers a high quality, flexible and cost effective way to bring these experiences online.